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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-1

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Departament po obespecheniiu deiatel'nosti arkhiva Prezidenta Upravleniia informatsionnogo i dokumentatsionnogo obespecheniia Prezidenta RF) (AP RF)


Total: ca. 90,000 units, 1917–present

The archive serves as a special repository for records of the President of the RF and other agencies, along with other high-level archival materials designated by the President.
        AP RF includes four categories of records. The first consists of documents created in the process of Boris N. Yeltsin's functions as President of the RSFSR and of the RF, and in the operation of structural subdivisions of the Presidential Administration.
        The second historical complex of the archive consists of records created in the process of official functions of Mikhail S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR and of structural subdivisions of his administration. This complex also includes materials acquired in March 1992 from the General Division of Administration of Affairs (Obshchii otdel Upravleniia delami) of the Council of Ministers and the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, dating from the 1950s to the 1990s.
        The third complex of archival materials consists of the records of the highest organs of the All-Russian Communist Party (VKP[b]) and the CPSU (KPSS) from 1919 to 1991, including Party congresses (1952–1986), Central Committee plenums (1944–1990), the Politburo CC (1919–1990), the Secretariat, and the CC Presidium, along with those of subordinated CP organs. These include the top-secret minutes (protocols) and stenograms of the CC Politburo and Secretariat, attached materials, and an estimated 2,000 or more top-secret “special files” (osobye papki). Also included are records of executive organs of state power and administration, which became interfiled with Party documentation in the process of functions of state administration. With these are combined collections of documents of the highest-level officials, including their official secretariat records, created in the process of their state and Party functions.
        The fourth category consists of the personal papers of the highest state and Party leaders— I.V. Stalin (Dzhugashvili), N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev, Iu.V. Andropov, K.U. Chernenko, M.S. Gorbachev, V.M. Molotov (Skriabin), A.N. Rykov, G.E. Zinov'ev (E.A. Radomysl'skii), L.D. Trotskii (Bronshtein), N.I. Bukharin, M.A. Suslov, and others— no less than 40 fonds in all, which include not only papers of personal origin,but also a voluminous mass of official documentation from their secretariats.

N.B. By the beginning of 1995 approximately 10,000 files had been transferred to the Rosarkhiv centers (RTsKhIDNI, now RGASPI— B–12 and TsKhSD, now RGANI— B–13)— among them all the minutes (protocols) of Politburo meetings from 1919 to 1991 (but without their appended documentation), materials of the Nineteenth Party Conference, documentation of international meetings, negotiations, and talks with Communist and labor parties, a complex of copies of some top-secret special files (osobye papki), and the brief working notes of the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee from 1964 to 1990, along withsome other documents.
        Since 1995, transfers to state archival custody have been continuing in several stages–namely the records of the Nineteenth through Twenty-Third CPSU Congresses, records of the plenums of the Central Committee of the VKP(b)–CPSU (1941–1966), protocols of Politburo meetings (1919–1952), records of the CC CPSU Presidium (1952–1966), the permanent commissions of the CC RKP(b)–CPSU (1921–1953), decrees of the State Committee on Defense (Gosudarstvennyi komitet oborony— GKO), personal papers of CPSU leaders, and other documents (totaling ca. 12,340 file units). A number of groups of personal papers, including parts of the fonds for those leaders mentioned above, were transferred. A large part of the papers of Marshal G.K. Zhukov and A.A. Grechko went to RGVA (B–8). Most of the papers of Kaganovich, Mikoian, and Stalin were transferred to RGASPI (B–12).

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