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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-16

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Rossiiskii federal'nyi geologicheskii fond (Rosgeolfond)

[Russian Federal Geological Fond]

Agency: Ministerstvo prirodnykh resursov i ekologii RF (MPR Rossii)
[Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology]
Federal'noe agentstvo po nedropol'zovaniiu (Rosnedra)
[Federal Agency of Depths Use]

Address: 123995, Moscow, ul. 3-ia Magistral'naia, 38

Telephone: +7 499 259-40-60

Fax: +7 499 259-59-73

Reading room: +7 499 259-47-67

E-mail: [email protected]


Opening hours: M–F 9:00–17:00

Transport: metro: Polezhaevskaia; bus: 6, 155

General Director: Aleksandr Konstantinovich Klimov (tel. +7 499 259-40-60)

Deputy General Director: Gennadii Petrovich Kovtoniuk (tel. +7 499 259-75-18)

Head of Reading Room: Oksana Leonidovna Ermoshenko (tel. +7 499 259-47-67)

About Rosgeolfond
In 1991, the former All-Union Geological Fond (Soiuzgeolfond) association was transferred to the State Committee of Geology of the Russian Federation (Goskomgeologiia), and reorganized as the Rosgeolfond, with a network of territorial geological fonds (for republics, krai, and oblasts). Goskomgeologiia was later reorganized as the Committee on Geology and Utilization of Subterranean Resources (Komitet RF po geologii i ispol'zovaniiu nedr—Roskomnedra). With the governmental reorganization of August 1996 the Ministry of Natural Resources was founded on the basis of Roskomnedra and several other agencies, and Rosgeolfond accordingly came under its jurisdiction.
        The function of Rosgeolfond is the subject-oriented collection of records of geological research on mineral deposits located in the territory of the former USSR, dating from the early eighteenth century to the present. The Rosgeolfond archival repository retains specialized geological data on the development of geology and geological surveys in Russia and the former Soviet Union, including reports on geological expeditions, maps, reports of commissions, and special scientific studies. All of the documentation is divided between two repositories.
        The “Fond Depository” Division is unique in the country for its rich archive of records on mining industries and geological surveys of underground reserves over a 200-year period in imperial Russia and the former USSR.

Otdel “Fondokhranilishche”
[“Fond Depository” Division]
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Otdel dokumentatsionnogo obespecheniia i arkhivnykh fondov
[Division of Documentation Ensure and Archival Fonds]
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Otdel arkhivatsii fondovoi informatsii
[Division for Archival Storage of Fond Information]
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