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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-17

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Tsentr gidrometeorologicheskikh dannykh (TsGMD)

Previous names
1980–1991   Gosudarstvennyi fond dannykh o sostoianii prirodnoi sredy (Gosfond)
[State Fond of Data on Environmental Conditions]
1957–1980   Gosudarstvennyi fond gidrometeorologicheskikh materialov (Gidrometfond)
[State Fond of Hydrometeorological Materials]
1924–1957   Glavnaia geofizicheskaia observatoriia (GGO)
[Main Geophysical Observatory]
Since 1924 the Main Geophysical Observatory systematically collected and preserved the findings from instrumental observations for meteorology and magnetic fields. On the basis of those collections, the State Fond of Hydrometeorological Materials (Gidrometfond) was established in 1957 with special divisions organized in administrative agencies that were subordinated to the Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (GUGMS). Before 1957, many basic collections of hydrometeorological data had been deposited in regular state archives, but most of these were subsequently collected by Gidrometfond. In 1980 Gidrometfond was renamed the State Fond of Data on Environmental Conditions (Gosfond) under the State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Envirnmental Conditions of the SSSR. After 1991, the State Committee was taken over by the Russian Federation (Roskomgidromet), and was reorganized at the end of 1992 as the Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Environmental Conditions (Rosgidromet).
        The Center for Hydrometeorological Data (TsGMD) was founded within the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute on Hydrometeorological Information—World Data Center (VNIIGMI–MTsD) with the aim of forming and maintaining the Russian State Fond of Data on Environmental Conditions (Gosfond) Legally, Gosfond is part of the Archival Fond of the Russian Federation but is administered by Rosgidromet.
        Storage of related documentation under Rosgidromet is decentralized among 26 fond divisions, administered by 24 regional administrations for hydrometeorology and monitoring of the environment and two scientific research institutions, and also encompasses 14 subordinate scientific-technical archives within the Rosgidromet system.

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