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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-22

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi fond kinofil'mov RF (Gosfil'mofond Rossii/GFF)

Access & Facilities

Access to Gosfil'mofond collections is unrestricted for bona fide researchers and their agents. There are occasional limitations due to preservation requirements. Fees are charged for screening films and the use of research facilities. Inquiries can be made by letter, telephone, or personal visit.

Working conditions
All film research and other types of work with documents are handled by the Center for International Relations and Scientific-Information Activities at Gosfil'mofond. Prospective visitors can obtain more detailed information about the materials in Gosfil'mofond and research facilities from the Center. There are special projection rooms for viewing films (on a fee basis). Advance arrangements can often be made for screening films from Gosfil'mofond holdings at the Scientific Research Institute for Cinema Arts (NII kinoiskusstva) in Moscow.
        For more details see British guide: Russian & Ukrainian Archives Guide available electronically: https://research.reading.ac.uk/archiv....

Copy facilities
Facilities are available for xerox and the duplication of films and sound recordings at commercial prices. Foreign researchers are required to pay in rubles but at higher hard-currency rates. Copies of films that are still owned by film studios or distributors require permission from the copyright holder.

Reference facilities
There are descriptive inventories, film catalogues, and subject card catalogues for domestic and foreign films. Extensive catalogues provide detailed information about each film with indexes of directors, actors, and other personal and subject entries. The website database lists films available and films for which archival materials are held.

Library facilities
There is an extensive library of books and periodicals with open access for researchers. Of particular note are the many previously restricted reference publications, semi-published memoirs, and other materials that are now open to researchers.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted