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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-31

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Kinostudiia “Lenfil'm” (Lenfil'm)

[Lenfil'm Studio]

Agency: Ministerstvo kul'tury Rossiiskoi Federatsii
[Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation]

Address: 197101, St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovskii prosp., 10

Telephone: +7 812 603-29-24

Fax: +7 812 603-29-24

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.lenfilm.ru/;  http://www.lenfilm.ru/base_en.htm  (Eng)

Transport: metro: Gor'kovskaia

Acting General Director: Inessa Iur'evna Iurchenko (tel. +7 812 603-29-25)

About Lenfil'm
The “Lenfil'm” Film Studio, whose predecessors date back to 1918, received its present name in 1934. The Film Fond retains a copy of all feature films produced by the Lenfil'm Studio, including those by the well-known Soviet directors. The holdings of the film studio museum include documentary materials on the history of Lenfil'm, editing outtakes and film footage (from the mid-1920s to the present), directors’ copies of film scenarios, drawings and sketches for decorations and costumes, negatives, positives, and other photographic documents, film posters, and billboard notices, among others.

[Film Fond]
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Informatsionno-arkhivnyi otdel
[Informational and Archival Division]
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