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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-31

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Kinostudiia “Lenfil'm” (Lenfil'm)

Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 365-68; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 279-81; Peterburg (1992), p. 341; Biblioteki SPb (1993), p. 81.

There is no published description of the archival materials in the film studio.
        See the history of Lenfil'm and its predecessors (1919–1957) in Kino i Vremia: Biulleten', no. 1 (1960), listed as c–188.

c-360. Lenfil'm: Annotirovannyi katalog fil'mov: 1918–2003 gg. Compiled by D.G. Ivaneev, S.A. Kolomoets, et al. 3d ed. St. Petersburg, 2004?.
Electronic edition: http://www.lenfilm.ru/catalogue.htm

c-360.1. Katalog igrovykh fil'mov kinostudii “Lenfil'm”: 1918–1989 gg. Compiled by D.G. Ivaneev and V.S. Mukhina. Leningrad: Informotdel Lenfil'ma (tip. Lenfil'ma), 1991. 275 p.

A chronological catalogue of films with live actors produced by Lenfil'm and its predecessors (full-length feature films, short-subject, and others), listed under rubrics for the year of completion, with indication of directors, actors, cameramen, and other major participants. Indexes include alphabetic names of films and personalia.

c-361. Itogi raboty kinoassotsiatsii “Lenfil'm”. St. Petersburg, 1991–. Annual. [Lenfil'm].
First issue: za 1991 god.

A limited-edition annual report on the work of the studio starting in 1991 includes a complete list of film productions for 1991. As of 1997, subsequent issues were not available.

c-362. “Lenfil'm”: Pobedy, prizy, nagrady: [Al'bom]. Compiled by D.G. Ivaneev and I. Karakov. Leningrad: Vsesoiuz. tvorch.-proizv. ob-nie “Kinotsentr”, 1990. 120 p.

Provides information on the Cabinet of Lenfil'm History (earlier known as the museum).

c-363. Iz istorii Lenfil'ma: Stat'i, vospominaniia, dokumenty. Compiled by N. Gornitskaia. Edited by N. Gornitskaia. 4 vols. Leningrad: “Iskusstvo”, 1968–1975. [LGITMiK; Lenfil'm] (Lib: DLC).
        Pt. 1: 1920-e gody. 1968. 298 p.
        Pt. 2: 1920-e gody. 1970. 263 p.
        Pt. 3: 1920–1930-e gody. 1973. 278 p.
        Pt. 4: Iz istorii Lenfil'ma: Stat'i, materialy, dokumenty. 1930-e gody. 1975. 239 p.

A collection of articles regarding masters and pictures produced by the studio during the 1920s and 1930s. The second and third parts include name indexes.

c-364. “Lenfil'm,” 1918–1968 gg.: Fakty. Daty. Dokumenty. K 50-letiiu kinostudii “Lenfil'm”. Compiled by D.G. Ivaneev. [Leningrad], 1968. 35 p.

Includes a systematic list of films produced by the studio in chronological order.

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