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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-10

Last update of repository: 31 July 2014

Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv istoriko-politicheskikh dokumentov Moskovskoi oblasti (GAIPD MO)

[State Archive of Historico-Political Records of Moscow]

Agency: Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie Moskovskoi oblasti
[Main Archival Administration of Moscow Oblast]

Address: 141241, Moscow Oblast, Pushkino, mkr. Mamontovka, ul. Pionerskaia, 15

Telephone: +7 496 580-06-33

Fax: +7 496 580-06-33

E-mail: [email protected]

Opening hours: M–Th 9:00–18:00, F 9:00–16:30

Director: Tat'iana Ivanovna Liubina (tel. +7 496 580-06-33)

Deputy Director: Anatolii Georgievich Zhuravlev

Established in 2011 to retain oblast-level records of Communist Party, Komsomol, trade-union, and social organizations, two years later the archive is still in the initial process of formation. As of June 2013, GAIPD has received only 100,000 trade-union records from TsGAMO, but none of the expected CP and Komsomol records from Moscow municipal archives.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted