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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-36

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova RAN (IF)

Previous names
to 1950   Institut evoliutsii fiziologii i patologii nervnoi deiatel'nosti im. akademika I.P. Pavlova
[I.P. Pavlov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Pathology of Nervous Functions]
1936–1950   Fiziologicheskii institut im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR
[I.P. Pavlov Physiological Institute]
to 1936   Laboratoriia fiziologii zhivotnykh
[Laboratory of the Physiology of Animals]
1934–1936   Institut fiziologii i patologii vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti
[Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Functions]
1925–1934   Fiziologicheskaia laboratoriia AN SSSR (Institut dlia izucheniia fiziologicheskoi i nervnoi sistemy golovnogo mozga vysshikh zhivotnykh po metodu uslovnykh refleksov)
[Physiological Laboratory AN SSSR (Institute for the Study of the Physiological and Nervous System of the Brain of Higher Animals by Means of Conditioned Reflexes)]
1864 [1889]–1925   Laboratoriia fiziologii Peterburgskoi Akademii nauk
[Laboratory of Physiology of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences]
The predecessor of the current Institute was established in 1925 as the Physiological Laboratory on the initiation of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849–1936), who served as the first director (1925–1936). That institution was heir to the prerevolutionary laboratory for research on the physiology of the nervous system, started already in 1864 by Academician V.F. Ovsiannikov, which in 1889 was formally established as the Physiological Laboratory of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. It became know as the Institute for the Study of the Physiology and Nervous System of the Brain of Higher Animals by Means of Conditioned Reflexes. In 1934, in connection with research orientation, the laboratory was renamed the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Functions. In 1936 the Institute was merged with the Laboratory of Animal Physiology in Moscow, and was renamed the I.P. Pavlov Physiological Institute. After 1950 it was merged with other institutes of the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMN SSSR), but remained under the Academy of Sciences. Its name changed several times: the Institute of Physiology of the Central Nervous System, and the I.P. Pavlov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Pathology of Nervous Functions, after which it took its present name.
        The I.P. Pavlov Memorial Apartment-Museum was opened in 1949, honoring the centenary of Pavlov’s birth. It is located in the early-nineteenth-century house (on the corner of nab. Leitenanta Shmidta), known as the House of Academicians (Dom akademikov), where Pavlov lived from 1918 until his death in 1936 (apt. 11). The first custodian and head of the Museum was Pavlov’s daughter, V.I. Pavlova (1890–1964).
        A branch of the Institute in the village of Pavlovo also has a memorial exhibit honoring Pavlov. Although there are no significant original documentary materials remaining, there are approximately 200 xerox and photographic copies of documents from Academy and state archives. (188680, Leningrad oblast, Vsevolozhskii raion, s. Pavlovo, p/o Koltushi; tel. +7 812 323-02-11).

N.B. Archival records of the Institute and its predecessor laboratories have been deposited in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFA RAN, E–25, fond 153, 1893–1954; electronically: http://isaran.ru/isaran/isaran.php?pa...).
        Most of the manuscript materials from the personal papers of I.P. Pavlov are also retained in PFA RAN (E–25, fond 259, 1869–1988; electronically: http://isaran.ru/isaran/isaran.php?pa...).

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