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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-9

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut russkogo iazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova RAN (IRIa)

Otdel etimologii i onomastiki
[Division of Etymology and Onomastics]

Telephone: +7 495 695-97-57

Website: http://www.ruslang.ru/node/570

Opening hours: TuTh 11:00–17:00

Head: Zhanna Zhanovna Varbot (tel. +7 495 695-97-57); e-mail [email protected]


Total: 1 fonds; 1961–1993
435,000 cards

The division retains the card files for the “Etymological Dictionary of Slavic Languages” (Etimologicheskii slovar' slavianskikh iazykov)—card files for glossaries and etymological card catalogues, which have been compiled starting in 1961 (approximately 405,000 cards). These include data on all historical and contemporary Slavic languages.
        The etymological card catalogue (30,000 cards) contains etymological interpretations, comparisons and contrasts of all Slavic languages within the framework of the pre-Slavic lexicologic fond. Both card catalogues are constantly being updated with contributions from new sources and newly published literature.

Reference facilities:
Auxiliary card catalogues are available in the division arranged at the beginning of each part of the the dictionary card files and the etymological card catalogues with indication of all sources and literature utilized in their compilation.

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