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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-9

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut russkogo iazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova RAN (IRIa)

Nauchnyi arkhiv Otdela dialektologii i lingvisticheskoi geografii
[Scientific Archive of the Division of Dialectology and Linguistic Geography]

Telephone: +7 495 695-65-43

Website: http://www.ruslang.ru/node/46  (Division of Dialectology and Linguistic Geography)

Opening hours: TuTh 10:00–18:00

Head of the Division: Ol'ga Evgen'evna Karmakova (tel. +7 495 695-27-04); e-mail [email protected]


Total: 1 fonds; 6,351 units; 1946–1980s

Materials of the division consist of dialectical data for the “Dialectal Atlas of the Russian Language” (Dialektologicheskii atlas russkogo iazyka) that have been collected by IRIaz specialists, together with teachers and students of Moscow and St. Petersburg higher educational institutions from 1946 through the 1980s. There is coverage of 6,343 population centers of the European part of the Russian Federation. Along with linguistic data there is also historical and geographic information on each settlement and its inhabitants.
        The division retains five regional atlases (four in manuscript) which were prepared and ready forpublication on the basis of collected materials, including 1,643 maps, related commentaries and scientific reference aids, and notes and recordings from 6,343 settlements.

Reference facilities:
There are card catalogues of data for the four manuscript regional atlases and the one published one. The dialectological and linguistic atlas also exists in an automated version in connection with the Machine-Readable Fond of the Russian Language.

Copy facilities:
Xerox copies are permitted of materials in the archive, with the exception of the manuscript regional atlases.

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