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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-16

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Tsentral'nyi muzei Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii (TsMVS)

Dokumental'nyi fond
[Documentary Fond]

Telephone: +7 495 684-45-52

Website: http://www.cmaf.ru/collections/doc/

Opening hours: W 14:00–17:00, F 10:00–13:00


Total: over 200,000 units; 1918–to present
personal fonds—897; collections—380

The museum holds a wide range of documents on military operations and on the history of the Soviet Army, including the personal papers of commanding officers. Most of the documentation relates to the Second World War (1941–1945), but there are also materials from the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) and the First World War (1914–1918).
        The Documentary Fond was built up with various accessions from units and formations of the Soviet Army and Navy, from military institutions, military registration and enlistment offices (voenkomaty), military schools and academies, and private individuals (soldiers, veterans of the Armed Forces, participants in revolutionary events and wars, and their families). Documentation has also been acquired from social organizations, such as the Central Committee of the Voluntary Society for Aid to the Army, Air Force, and Navy (Dobrovol'noe obshchestvo sodeistviia armii, aviatsii i flotu), the Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace (Sovetskii komitet zashchity mira), and Councils for Veterans of War and Labor (Sovety veteranov voiny i truda).
        From the period of the Civil War and foreign military intervention there are documents from Red Army international brigades and their commanding officers (A. Shipek and P. Borevich) together with written descriptions of military operations by those who took part in them.
        Almost half of the Documentary Fond is comprised of handbills and leaflets. These include appeals issued by the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (Tsentral'nyi shtab partizanskogo dvizheniia), the Chief Political Directorate (Glavnoe politicheskoe upravlenie), the Central Committees of the Communist Parties of Ukraine and Belarus, military councils of fronts and armies, and various underground organizations and partisan brigades. There are also collections of documents relating to all periods in the history of the Armed Forces, some of which have been arranged thematically, such as those relating to major battles of the Second World War (the Battles of Moscow and Stalingrad, etc.). The collection includes Party and Komsomol cards, personal identification cards, warrants, reports, letters from the front, and topographic maps and diagrams.
        Among the many collections of personal papers, most important are those of leading Soviet military commanders, such as T.M. and M.V. Frunze, K.E. Voroshilov, S.S. Kamenev, Ia.F. Fabritsius, G.K. Zhukov, P.S. Rybalko, F.I. Tolbukhin, V.I. Chapaev, and I.D. Cherniakhovskii.
        The museum also has a collection of military posters, the work of D.S. Moor (pseud. of D.S. Orlov), V.N. Deni (pseud. of V.N. Denisov), and V.V. Maiakovskii.

Reference facilities:
There is a central card catalogue, which includes personal and thematic card files. There is also a computerized database for registration of documents on temporary loan.

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