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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-236

Last update of repository: 3 September 2019

Gosudarstvennyi Russkii muzei (GRM)

Otdel drevnerusskogo prikladnogo iskusstva
[Division of Early Russian Applied Art]

Telephone: 219-16-66

Website: http://www.rusmuseum.ru/collections/a...

Opening hours: W 10:00–17:00

Head: Izila Ivanovna Pleshanova


Total: ca. 100 units; 1930s–1994

The division archive contains the reports of restoration work inspections carried out on the exhibits held in the division together with the texts of reports made by members of staff (including unpublished ones) and the manuscript catalogues of collections from the 1930s to the present.

Reference facilities:
There are card catalogues of works of art from the private collections of M.P. Botkin, V.V. Suslov, and others; card catalogues of acquisitions from the vestries of monasteries; and card catalogues of individual collections (needlework, valuable finds, etc.) with information on the sources of acquisition and references to literature and archival materials.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted