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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-49

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii muzei arkhitektury im. A.V. Shchuseva (GNIMA)

Fond arkhitekturnoi grafiki
[Fond of Architectural Graphics]

Opening hours: Tu 11:00–18:00

Head of Sector of Fond of Russian Graphics: Tat'iana Nikolaevna Nikitina

Head of Sector of Measurement: Tat'iana Aleksandrovna Dudina


The museum has one of the largest collections of documents and graphic materials relating to architecture and city planning in Russia. They comprise the Section of Architectural Graphics of the Scientific Division for Storage of Fonds (Nauchnyi otdel khraneniia fondov). The collection of Architectural Graphics includes four fonds:
(1) Fond of historical graphics of 18th–19th centuries (Fond istoricheskoi grafiki XVIII–XIX vv.); webpage: http://www.muar.ru/fonds/description/...;
(2) Fond of the Soviet graphics (Fond sovetskoi grafiki); webpage: http://www.muar.ru/fonds/description/...;
(3) Collection of engravings and lithographs (Kollektsiia graviur i litografii); webpage: http://www.muar.ru/fonds/description/...;
(4) Fond of Measured Blueprints (Fond obmerochnykh chertezhei); webpage: http://www.muar.ru/fonds/description/....
        A large part of the documentary holdings is comprised of technical drawings, sketches, studies, paintings, lithographs, and technical measurements of architectural monuments, many of which were acquired from the State Tret'iakov Gallery, the State Historical Museum, and the State Hermitage. Architectural graphics represent the work of such great masters of Russian classicism as V.I. Bazhenov, O.I. Bove, M.F. Kazakov, Giacomo Quarenghi, A.N. Voronikhin, and Domenico Gilardi (D.I. Zhiliardi). The section on Soviet architecture includes the graphics of major Soviet architects like K.S. Alabian, A.V. Shchusev, I.A. Fomin, I.V. Zholtovskii, F.O. Shekhtel', and V.A. Shchuko, as well as the works of contemporary architects.
        A separate fond is comprised of so-called “passport” or registration data for architectural monuments prepared during the 1940s, which were received from the Main Administration for the Protection of Monuments (Glavnoe upravlenie okhrany pamiatnikov) under the Committee for Architecture. This collection is known as the Measurement Fond (Obmernyi fond). There are also technical drawings to scale of Russian architectural monuments done by the Moscow Archeological Society (late 19th–early 20th cc.), by the Central State Restoration Studios (Tsentral'nye gosudarstvennye restavratsionnye masterskie) (1917–1934); by the Institute of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR, and by the museum itself up to 1941.
        The museum has a large collection of engravings and lithographs by Russian and foreign artists, dating from the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries. These include plans, maps, and town plans. Of particular interest here are the Godunov Drawing (Godunov chertezh) (1594–1605), a plan by Matthaeus Merian (1643), the Sigismund plan (1610), and a plan of Moscow by the architect I.F. Michurin (1734–1737). There are engravings and lithographs showing panoramic views of Moscow from different vantage points, general views of building ensembles and streets, views of the largest and most imposing buildings and views of ordinary dwellings. Included here are the drawings of M.I. Makhaev, Gérard Delabart, and Michel-François Damame-Demartrais.

Reference facilities:
Inventories have been compiled for only part of the manuscript material.

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