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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-010

Last update of repository: 19 October 2020

*Upravlenie po delam arkhivov Respubliki Bashkortostan (Basharkhiv)

Previous names
1998–2010   Upravlenie po delam arkhivov pri Pravitel'stve Respubliki Bashkortostan
[Administration for Archival Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan]
1995–1998   Gosudarstvennyi komitet Respubliki Bashkortostan po delam arkhivov
[State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Archival Affairs]
1994–1995   Komitet po delam arkhivov Kabineta Ministrov Respubliki Bashkortostan
[Committee for Archival Affairs of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan]
1992–1994   Komitet po delam arkhivov Soveta Ministrov Respubliki Bashkortostan
[Committee for Archival Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan]
1991–1992   Komitet po delam arkhivov Soveta Ministrov Bashkirskoi SSR
[Committee for Archival Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the Bashkiria SSR]
X.1990–1991   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Sovete Ministrov Bashkirskoi SSR (AU pri SM BSSR)
[Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Bashkiria SSR]
1961–X.1990   Arkhivnyi otdel (upravlenie) pri Sovete Ministrov Bashkirskoi ASSR (AO (AU) pri SM BASSR)
[Archival Division (Administration) under the Council of Ministers of the Bashkiria ASSR]
1939–1961   Arkhivnyi otdel NKVD–MVD Bashkirskoi ASSR (AO NKVD–MVD BASSR)
[Archival Division of NKVD–MVD of the Bashkiria Autonomous SSR]
1921–1939   Tsentral'noe arkhivnoe upravlenie pri TsIK BASSR (TsAU pri TsIK BASSR)
[Central Archival Administration under the Central Executive Committee of the Bashkiria Autonomous SSR]
1920–1921   Upravlenie arkhivnym delom pri Narkomprose BASSR
[Administration for Archival Affairs under the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Bashkiria Autonomous SSR]
1921–1922   Ufimskoe gubernskoe arkhivnoe upravlenie
[Ufa Guberniia Archival Administration]
1919–1921   Ufimskoe otdelenie Glavarkhiva RSFSR (Ufimskii gubarkhiv)
[Ufa Division of the Glavarchive of the RSFSR]

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