The Asian Labour Studies Network

In Asia, capitalism's stormy conquest of economic sectors has led to widespread processes of proletarianisation and a rapid expansion of the number of waged workers.
Now that the new working classes have made their appearance on the centre of the stage with manifest clarity, interest for the past and present of Asian labour and working-class protest is growing. The need for a transnational collaboration between students of Asian labour is also increasing. In several places, individual scholars have made a start with labour studies in their own country, and they would greatly appreciate having regular contact with colleagues in other countries.
The establishment of an international discussion group on the Internet (ALSNET) is meant as a starting-point for this.

ALSNET is an academic network promoting scholarly work on Asian labour. It intends to do mainly two things:
* Give data on forthcoming congresses and workshops, books and journals, jobs, etc.
* Support ongoing research through debates and exchanges of information.

ALSNET (the Asian Labour Studies Network) takes a broad approach to its topic:
* It will cover developments in all parts of the continent, including West and Central Asia;
* It will deal with all forms of labour, including agricultural and domestic work;
* It will not only focus on work, industrial relations and labour markets, but also pay serious attention to other aspects of working-class life, including family life, culture, religion, etc.
* It is interested both in contemporary and in historical research.

ALSNET's moderator is Eef Vermeij (eve@iisg.nl). To join the ALSNET list, send an e-mail message containing in the body text only the words "SUBSCRIBE ALSNET" to LISTSERV@iisg.nl. The membership of ALSNET is free.
