Visiting card with a message to Louise Michel, probably around 1888
Visiting card with a message to Louise Michel
n.d., probably around 1888

Louise Michel inventory, no. 377

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Transcription | Translation


Georges Magnier
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
Lyon, rue de la Charité, 34

Admirateur inconnu mais sincère de la grande citoyenne, champion (sic.) de la plus noble des causes, adresse à Melle Louise Michel, à l'occasion de l'infâme attentat dont elle a été la victime, l'expression de sa respectueuse et profonde sympathie. Il se félicite que l'assassin ait en partie manqué son coup. Il souhaite à la généreuse et vaillante amie des déshérités, une prompte et complète guérison.


Georges Magnier
Commercial Secondary School
Lyon, Charitee street, 34

I am an unknown but true admirer of the great citizen, winner of the noblest actions, and I send her my kindest regards and sympathy to Mrs. Louise Michel following the infamous attack against her. I am happy that the murderer failed. I hope that the generous and strong friend of miserable people will heal well and completely.

This transcription respects original orthography of the text. However, punctuation and accents could have been added.
