Volume 48 part 2 (August 2003)




Allison Drew, 'Bolshevizing Communist Parties: The Algerian and South African Experiences' [summary]
Brigitte Studer and Berthold Unfried, 'Private Matters Become Public: Western European Communist Exiles and Emigrants in Stalinist Russia in the 1930s' [summary]
Christine Collette, '"Friendly Spirit, Comradeship and Good-Natured Fun": Adventures in Socialist Internationalism' [summary]
Joseph Melling, 'Managing the White Collar Union: Salaried Staff, Trade Union Leadership and the Politics of Organised Labour in Post-War Britain. c. 1950-1968' [summary]

Book reviews

Johan Dambruyne, Corporatieve middengroepen. Aspiraties, relaties en transformaties in de 16de-eeuwse Gentse ambachtswereld (Wilfried Reininghaus)
Richard Price, British Society, 1680-1880. Dynamism, Containment and Change (Keith Nield)
Joachim Höppner [and] Waltraud Seidel-Höppner, Etienne Cabet und seine Ikarische Kolonie. Sein Weg vom Linksliberalen zum Kommunisten und seine Kolonie in Darstellung und Dokumentation (Ahlrich Meyer)
Haia Shpayer-Makov, The Making of a Policeman. A social history of a labour force in metropolitan London, 1829-1914 (Elaine A. Reynolds)
Deborah Cohen, The War Come Home. Disabled Veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914-1939 (Sabine Kienitz)
Willy Buschak, Edo Fimmen. Der schöne Traum von Europa und die Globalisierung. Eine Biografie (Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten)
Albert Grzesinski, Im Kampf um die deutsche Republik. Erinnerungen eines Sozialdemokraten (Ursula Langkau-Alex)
Roy Hora, The Landowners of the Argentine Pampas. A Social and Political History 1860-1945 (Richard J. Walter)
Bruce Nelson, Divided We Stand. American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality (Joseph A. McCartin)
Laurie Mercier, Anaconda. Labor, Community, and Culture in Montana's Smelter City (John H.M. Laslett)
Gyanendra Pandey, Remembering Partition. Violence, Nationalism and History in India (Dick Kooiman)



Guide to the International Archives and Collections at the IISH: Supplement over 2002
Notes on contributors