Volume 53 part 2 (August 2008)


IRSH 53-2


Bert De Munck 'Skills, Trust and Changing Consumer Preferences: The Decline of Antwerp's Craft Guilds from the Perspective of the Product Market, ca. 1500 - ca. 1800' [summary]

Ben Maddison 'Labour Commodification and Classification: An Illustrative Case Study of the New South Wales Boilermaking Trades, 1860-1920' [summary]

Matt Vaughan Wilson 'The 1911 Waterfront Strikes in Glasgow: Trade Unions and Rank-and-File Militancy in the Labour Unrest of 1910-1914' [summary]


Joeri Januarius 'Picturing the Everyday Life of Limburg Miners: Photographs as a Historical Source' [summary]

Book reviews

Hannah Barker The Business of Women. Female Enterprise and Urban Development in Northern England 1760-1830 (Danielle van den Heuvel)
Nicola Phillips Women in Business 1700-1850 (Danielle van den Heuvel)
Mining Women. Gender in the Development of a Global Industry, 1670 to 2005. Ed. by Jaclyn J. Gier and Laurie Mercier (Caroline Merithew)
Christine Lattek Revolutionary Refugees. German socialism in Britain, 1840-1860 (Toni Offermann)
Marianne Dahlén The Negotiable Child. The ILO Child Labour Campaign 1919-1973 (Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk)
Ken Fones-Wolf Glass Towns. Industry, Labor, and Political Economy in Appalachia, 1890-1930s (Dwight B. Billings)
Michael Wildt Volksgemeinschaft als Selbstermächtigung. Gewalt gegen Juden in der deutschen Provinz 1919 bis 1939 (Jie-Hyun Lim)
Myrna I. Santiago The Ecology of Oil. Environment, Labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900-1938 (Michiel Baud)
Mary E. Triece On the Picket Line. Strategies of Working-class Women During the Depression (Ileen DeVault)
Peter Van Kemseke Towards an Era of Development. The Globalization of Socialism and Christian Democracy 1945-1965 (Carl Strikwerda)



Guide to the International archives and Collections at the IISH
Notes on contributors
