




23e jaargang 1997, nummer 3


Aries P.B. van Meeteren `Het ruysschen als de Libanon'. De geestelijke beroeringen in 1752 in Bleskensgraaf. Een lokale benadering

Francisca de Haan en Romke van der Heide Vrouwen-Vereenigingen, Dames-Comité's en feministen: de zorg van vrouwen voor vrouwelijke gevangenen in de negentiende eeuw

Werk in Uitvoering

Kees Bevaart De piramide van Zuidland. Sociaal-religieuze stratificatie op lokaal niveau ten tijde van de Doleantie


Hans de Waardt De geschiedenis van de eer en de historische antropologie. Een voorbeeld van een interdiciplinaire aanpak

Buitenlandse tijdschriften Lex Heerma van Voss


Aries P.B. van Meeteren, Religious revival in Bleskensgraaf in 1752. A contextual approach

The Nijkerk Revival (1749-1752), which manifested itself in over 50 Dutch towns and villages, has up till now only been described and explained in general terms. Therefore, the external validity of these explanations has remained obscure requiring systematic research on a smaller scale. Only then the uniqueness of each local community involved in the revival can be ascertained, while general theories can be tested. To perform such an investigation, I base myself on a social-psychological theory by Colligan, Pennebaker and Murphy. According to this theory the revival is a somatized reaction to accumulated stress, which can be explained by studying the social context of individual local communities.

Francisca de Haan and Romke van der Heide, Women's associations, ladies' committees and feminists: women's care for female prisoners in the nineteenth century.

This article briefly discusses the concept of caring power, a historically specific type of power that developed in the second half of the eighteenth century. The English prison reformer Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) was an exponent of caring power. Her religious inspired ideas about the proper treatment of prisoners had an impact both on the Dutch Society for the Moral Reform of Prisoners (1823) and on Dutch women, who came to feel responsible for the well-being of `those of their own sex'. Women's organized care for female prisoners was a starting point of the Dutch women's movement and remained an important part of the movement all through the nineteenth century.

Kees Bevaart, The piramid of Zuidland. A local social-religious stratification at the time of the Doleantie

In the years 1886-1887 a schism took place in the dominant protestant chuch in the Netherlands. Although the majority remained loyal to the Nederlands Hervormde kerk, many orthodox members broke away from that church and founded the Gereformeerde Kerken van Nederland. To come to understand this schism insight is needed in the social background of both latitudinarian and orthodox segments. Many statements have been made on this subject but very little research has been done. In this article an attempt has been made to integrate data about religious affiliation into the findings of local stratification patterns. The result of this combination is presented in a 'three-dimensional' graphical model. This model enables us to see at a glance the kind of society we are dealing with and the place of religious bonds in it.

Hans de Waardt, `The historiography of honour and historical anthropology. An example of an interdisciplinary approach'

Although the amount of overlappings and shared interests between the two scientific disciplines history and anthropology is still growing, `historical anthropology' is as yet not really a mature interdisciplinary approach. In this article an effort is made to outline the basic technic exigencies to which it should answer in that context. As honour and the ways in which it is defined and claimed or defended, is an example of the sort of topics to which both historians and anthropologists take interest, its historiography is used here to show how an exchange of theoretical insights and findings can be effected. It is argued that only by applying a thorough comparativist approach, of both a synchronical and diachronical character, historical anthropology can lead to an understanding of culture that is deeper and broader than what each of the two disciplines can offer separately.

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