W3VL: Women's History Logo


Africa | Albania | Argentina | Asia | Australia | Austria | Balkans | Belarus | Belgium | Brazil | Brunei Darussalam | Cambodia | Canada | China | Croatia | Cyprus | Czechia | Denmark | East Timor | Eastern Europe | Estonia | Europe | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Ireland | Italy | Japan | Laos | Latin America | Luxembourg | Malaysia | Mexico | Middle East | Myanmar | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Scandinavia | Singapore | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States | Viet Nam

  • Europäische Geschichte - Geschlechtergeschichte Online articles in English and German on European gender history; from Clio Online

  • Associations and Societies


    • Less Favored - More Favored Papers from a conference on gender in European legal history, 12th - 19th Centuries. The conference was organized by the European network 'Gender differences in European legal cultures / Geschlechterdifferenz in europäischen Rechtskreisen’, September 2004. The papers are published by the Royal Library Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Discussion Lists

    • WISE-L: European Women's Studies Discussion list of the Women's International Studies Europe (WISE), the European association for individuals and institutions involved in women's studies.



    • ATGENDER, the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation "Networking is ATGENDER’s main project" and "Sending out regular newsletters is but one of the good practices of ATHENA that ATGENDER will continue".
    • Salon 21 A European women's and gender studies internet forum for calls for papers, symposia, reports, comments, and discussions. It is part of the research platform 'Repositioning of Women’s and Gender History in the New European Context', established at the University of Vienna.
    • WeAVE A European women's and gender studies network for academics. The website provides discussion rooms, as well as a chat facility for registered members, listings of current news and events, and links to women's studies institutions, associations, and online resources.

Last updated 11 February 2013